Friday, February 12, 2010


At the moment I’m sitting in the computer lab at school finishing up some homework. All I can keep thinking of besides the Roman influence on art is how blessed I am with the friends in my life. Boys are a dime a dozen but I wouldn’t give up my girls for anything. I’ve turned into a very big recluse over the years and still find it hard not to be a puss and just go out. When I do go out the women I surround myself with make me realize that I have nothing to worry about. They have my back I have theirs. They got the first shot ill get the second. I just love them all so much. I know valentines are supposed to be about that one special someone in your life. I don’t have just one someone I have many beautiful friends who in all honesty just make life worth it and give me more love then I ever felt I could deserve. One up to the bitches.

since im talking about love and all heres some p i n k <3


1 comment:

  1. of course melanie is a model. and i look like a muppet baby.
